Looking for a heartwarming and poignant short story? Look no further than Life and Lizards by Loraine Dickens. Set in a small seaside town in South Africa, this story follows the lives of a family as they navigate love, loss, and the beauty of nature. From geckos in the spaghetti pot to the passing of loved ones, this story is full of unexpected twists and turns that will keep you engaged until the very end. Written with Dickens’ signature warmth and humor, “Life and Lizards” is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Life and Lizards
Life and Lizards is a heartwarming and poignant short story set in a small seaside town in South Africa. It follows a family as they navigate love, loss, and the beauty of nature. Written with warmth and humor, this story is full of unexpected twists and turns that will keep you engaged until the very end.
Category:Stories of Southern Africa
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